live rock


Hi I started building my reef (see signature for details of inhabitants) and its been going for about 2 months now all is good( amon 0, nitrites 0-.1 salt .19, nitrate 5) it’s a 75 gal tank run on a trickle filter into a wet/dry, I have about 20lbs of Live rock, pieces of britazoa cups, and about 30lbs of dead coral. I was thinking about getting another 50lbs of live rock, is this a good suggestion, my only concern is if there will be enough room for my fish, add I have just begun still want to add more fish (like dwarf angels, gobies, and others) what do you all think, any suggestions


Active Member
If you added another 50 lbs of lr that would put you at 70 lbs. There would be plenty of room for your fish to swim and be happy. You could even add more if you would like.