Live rock?


Guys, I have been in the same shape as you 2. I have so much brown algae in my tank, that it looks like the wood framwork around it. But the algae must be helping because my trites and trates are finally down. I am going to get a NEMO tonight and a cleaner shrimp. Next week I am ordering my cleaning crew of snails and scarlets. I was going to do it today, but with the holiday I didn't want to send it out and have FedEx sitting on it killing my fish.
Good luck guys. I sure hope my fish live. I have been patient enough before adding that I hope I am rewarded.


Oh yeah, we know the feeling. Good luck to you as well. I will post pics in about a month when it looks all clean.


Hey Crazy 8, are your trites at 0? Mine are close but just cant seem to get there. Some people put in livestock when trites are close, but not 0. Not sure how the livestock does in that condition.
BTW - I see that I am not the only accountant here on the board.
hey guys. All my brown algae has turned green and most of that is gone now. It is just a matter of time. I think mine got thick because of phosphates in my initial water(tap). I have only used ro/di to top off and I added a phosphate sponge and it really helped. Hope things go well.


I used mostly distilled, but then some tap. no more tap for me. Bought a buch of gals of distilled and will use that. Thanks for the info.


Well-Known Member
couldn't help posting this. After all the brown stuff goes away, the green stuff will start to appear. reduced lighting will reduce the Algae. But then algae is very benificial to tanks. NitrAtes are used by algae and without algae nitrAtes will be higher than with algae. Algae also filters out all kinds of nasty stuff like phosphates and help buffer the ph and generally balance out and stablize the tank. Plus some fish like tangs and angels will eat the stuff so it helps the fish. I personally like the planted tank look and add all the macro algae i (or the tank) can support.
Woopsies i see you guys already posted the green stuff. :D
I use tap water and just replace the water that evaporates. And yes, the initial algaes (esp the brown) did flousish in the phosphate environment. They also died off as phosphates dropped.


New Member
What was the heighest you amonia got to? And how long did it take for it to come down. Mine has been sitting at .50 for weeks now =(