Live Rock ?


Active Member
A good light and calcium. 5 watts per gal, min. And about 425 - 450 calcium. Get a test kit.
And time....


Active Member
The purple colors that you want your LR to have is actually a calcareous (calcium-based) algae. It’s called coralline algae. Like doodle said, in order to get coralline growth, you need a good light and high calcium levels in your tank. Good luck!


thanks I have very good lighting i use vho for about 5-6 hours I use Calcium, Techm, Coralvite, Iodine right now is this enough to keep the health going and I heard that I shoud use my protein skimmer less is that true.:rolleyes: :rolleyes:


The lighting is prolly fine.
Dont skim less. It spreads better with greater current usually.
As far as dosing goes especially with concern to iodine its really easy to over do and id recommend testing for that. Most trace elements are best replaced with simple water changes.


Active Member
Good water flow helps, also some good "seed" pieces. Go to your LFS and look for rubble rock with lots of the coralline on it. Try to find some different color pieces. You can usually get these fairly cheap and put them in the water flow paths to "push" the spores around the tank.


Active Member
Corraline has very little to do with lighting and everything to do with calcium and high PH. I had tons of corraline in my 60 gallon a couple years back and only ran a 10K 40 watt bulb and an actinic 40 watt bulb. keep the calcium around 4-450 and PH around 8.2 and get some starter pieces. It doesn't take much to get it going and most tanks will start to see corraline even without any starter pieces if given enough time.


I have 2 404 powerheads I think thats the name of them, anyway i have one on the left facing 45 degrees to the left and the one on the right same postion on the other end I have a great current going but what are the seed rocks that you all are talking about and what do they look like?:confused: