Live Sand - $15 with shipping



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Shipped all of them out yesterday night.
You should all receive them on Wednesday or Thursday.
I also took 3 good sized montipora capricornis frags and 1 devils hand leather frags and COMPLETELY RANDOMLY put them in.
Just an FYI - the life in the sand is probably not going to be immediately noticable. I did notice that when packing the sand, most of the worms and snails had hidden themselves.
I would suggest a relatively quick acclimation process:
Let the temperature equalize - 15 mins.
add small amounts of water for another 15 mins.
Try to put the sand all in one place and keep it close to the bottom - remember this sand is probably 75% southdown so it has some pretty big storm potential.
I would also suggest doing this after your lights are off to avoid any predetors taking out all the life you just put in.
Good luck and happy reefing!!