Live Sand Activator?


Has anyone ever heard of this stuff and/or had any experience?
I will need to seed my southdown and dont trust my LSF (unfortunately ) enough to take a scoop from their tank.
Is this stuff for real? IPSF has it.
I hear you only need a scoopful of LS to seed.


Depends on where you get it. I wouldnt buy anything that is pre-packaged. Alive and pre-packaged just doesn't work well for me.
But the live sand from here or activator from another place should hold up as well as live rock does in shipping. I have bought similar products to put into my sump to help my pod population and been pretty happy with the results.


I got a very large scoop of sand from a board member .....
Let me tell you the amount of critters in my tank now only wished they were in a 800+ gallon tank somewhere :rolleyes:
I will gladly pass a scoop to you too... drop me an email


The Live sand activator from IPSF is actually really good. They usually give you more than what is listed. But you have someone here that is willing to give you a scoop from thier tank. Usually a scoop from an established tank will have tons of little critters.


I would second the live sand activator from IPSF is good stuff comment. but it's alwsy great to add diversity so whenever possible get a scoop of Ls from another reefer.


That stuff is great! I recommend it totally. It is really good stuff, and I feel is resposible for my zero readings arcoss the board. Best thing I have ever added to my tank, including all livestock, live rock, ect.... I had nothing living in my sand bed or lr before it got the stuff, and now have a totally 'live' sand bed. I also got there pod kit and now have pods all over the place.