Live sand coming, I have a question.


My LS from SWF should be here this week, can I add straight to the tank or am I supposed to do something to it first? I have already added 80lbs of "dead" sand.


Yeah will do, I have another 40lbs of dead, with 40lbs of live coming, should be real nice. Thanks.


I remember reading that someone put additional sand into their tank by pouring it down a funnel into a piece of pvc pipe so it wouldnt be so cloudy. Don't know that I'd go out and buy it, but if you might have a piece around, it might work. Good Luck.


Hmmmm.....never thought about pvc, if anything it would help getting to those hard to reach places. Thanks:)


Active Member
pvc pipe sounds like a good idea so I tried it. Make sure your sand is VERY wet or it globs up in the pvc pipe. Also, forgive me if I'm wrong but I think I read in another thread about your change from cc to dsb. Speaking to the issue of - you still have more dead sand to add, if I were you I would add all the sand at the same time, 1 mess and you don't run the risk of having the critters etc start settin up housekeeping only to have a couple more inches of sand poured over them. JMO/E Good luck and be sure to post pics, we love tank pics:D


I just change my cc to ls in my 150 gal. scrap at most of your cc leave a little for bacteria. rinse your live sand in tank water this makes it wet and gets rid of the cloudy part of your sand. my tank was cloudy only for three hours good luck