Live Sand Help


I have a question. I have put LS in my aquarium. At first it made like a terrible dust going through my water after a day it had started to clear up. I went to level the sand somewhat after I could see in there... You cant even touch this sand without it kicking up a cloud of dust and getting a white milky cloudy look. Will this sand the longer its in there stop making a cloud of dust everytime it is touched?? I wanna get sand sifters to help keep the sand clean... but imagine the kick up I would get from them :help:


Active Member
Did most of the silt come up from removeing the CC or from the sand as you put it in?? Was the LS bought wet in a bag or was it dry in the bag...


Active Member
Should have had extra water in the bag and no silt. What brand was it ? Sounds like you may have got something other than.....
anyway I quess you have to just let it settle to the bottom if it ever does, or add cleaned/washed bigger grain dry sand. If its as bad as you make it sound then may need to remove all of it and get the good stuff...or just run fiber filters and keep kicking it up till the filters can remove it all....IDK


Active Member
if you have good filtration keep stiring it up and letting the filters pull the little grains. Make sure you clean the filters every other day imo that should clear it up in a week or so. Good luck