Live Sand Live Rock Live Fish


I already have a FO tank setup with fish (for years) and I am trying to find the best possible solution to take out the CC and put in Live sand and live rock. I will completely cure the live rock before putting it in. Is there any way I can take out all the CC and put in LS with my fish still in the tank or would that cause a big enough spike to possibly kill them?
I would imagine if that situation is under control I can then add pieces of the cured live rock without causing too much of an issue.


I removed my UGF and added live sand and cured live rock from my LFS to an existing FO tank about 3 wks ago. I had a QT setup, so I put the fish in there just to play it safe. After 2 days with no signs of a cycle, I returned the fish to the main tank and they are doing great.
I read that people have done the change without removing the fish. Some were suggessful and some weren't. Best of luck...


Sounds like a good plan.
I will only be using 50 lbs out of 4 or 500 as live sand and 50 to 100 lbs of live rock so it shouldnt be a problem. However, its always good to be on the safe side.
What does a typical QT setup tank cost?


I have a small QT 10g. with a heater, NO light strip, and a emperor 280. I put some black pvc tubing in the tank so it's not so bare and it gives the fish a place to hide. The sides, bottom and back are painted black on the outside. I have no sand in the tank. I cycled it with a shrimp that I got at my grocery store.
Cost? I tink that I have around $75 into this one. You might have to spend more for a larger Qt tank you've got some big fish.
There is a post on QT's just do a search and you'll find some other ideas.


i have heard of people putting the sand in a stocking and putting the stocking in the sump for about a week and then adding it to the tank. I have also heard of people just placing the sand over the CC but eventually it will fall through and the cc will be back on top so that is kinda pointless. But putting the sand in a stocking and placing the stocking in the sump or even in the tank would work fine. It will give the sand time to seed.