Live Sand Need advice


New Member
I have a ? I have a 70 gallon tank and I want to know if I could put sand from the Ocean in it. I live in MN and my uncle is from Florida he will be driving up here and I really want sand in my tank.. I have CC now. Would it be a good idea???
any info would be great..
Thanks :confused:


Staff member
Well, don't collect any beach sand in the Fla Keys...none of it comes from the Keys, and all of it is polluted!
Not to mention, your uncle will get arrested if caught.


:eek: No dont get sand from the beach you never know whats in it you are better off spending the money and buying the bags at the pet store.expensive yes but worth it in the long run trust friend got sand from the beach and and did not tell me put it in his tank and 700$ worth of presious fish down the toilet.please buy it!!! :(


New Member
Ok thanks guys and gals I will tell him not to get it.. I will just have to spend the money and get the right stuff..
Thanks Again


no fear,
dig your cc out and slowly add the sand. if you are adding a mix of live and "dead" sand, rinse the dead sand first to minimize the "cloudiness" you will surely have after pouring it in. again, scoop out ALL of your cc....I did and my tank loves me!....then get scoop out your sand with a big cup and SLOWLY pour it out at the bottom of the tank so it doesn't cloud up alot. You will probably have 24hrs of slight cloudiness though. Hope that helps......Have fun! :cool: