live sand options?


New Member
I am setting up a 120 gallon tank and i plan on stocking it with fish, live rock, inverts, and a few corals and anemones. I plan on the substrate being a semi deep live sand bed. I was wondering if I had to use all live sand or if I could use a mixed ratio of live and inert sand.


Active Member
You can go either way. If you want to save some cash though you could easily go with mostly dead sand and then add a half inch or so of live sand over the top of it. It will eventually seed all your sand so that it is all live.


Not trying to hi-jack this thread, but where did everyone else get their "dead" sand? Is it standard playbox sand?


Originally Posted by jsteph24
Not trying to hi-jack this thread, but where did everyone else get their "dead" sand? Is it standard playbox sand?
no - play sand is silicate based sand. aragonate sand is the way to go...

aztec reef

Active Member
i would go with 3:1 ratio. or 2" aragonite sand and at least 1" live.. cycle tank with the dead sand.then put live on top after cycle..pretty soon the dead sand will become "live".