Live sand Q?


If i have a 75 gal tank and am just starting how much LS should i get? What type of other sand can i use? Does it all have to be LS? i have no idea, you would never guess ive been reading up on this kind of stuff for about a month.... duh


Active Member
RO is a type of water filterer. Do a search on google for sand bed calculator. My 55 for a 4inch bed needs 90lbs


Well i would say even if you wanted just fish only i think the basic rule of thumb is AT LEAST one pound of sand per gallon. Which should get you about 2 inches maybe alittle more? Some correct me if i'm wrong. But i think for a reef tank you would want atleast 3 inches maybe 4. So things can burrow into it.
-peace out


Active Member
The amount of sand that you want is determined by what type of sand bed you desire.
a Deep sand bed (one where the bottom is anerobic to break down nitrates) needs to be between 4 and 6 inches).
If you desire a shallow sand bed 1-2 inches is fine.
Avoid 2-4 inches. This is too deep to be thoroughly stirred by sand critters (live sand) but too shallow to provide nitrate reduction. Basically, it can become a nutrient sponge at this depth.
Do a search on this board for "southdown" sand to see alternatives to buying all live sand (which gets very expensive).


hm. I just measured my tank, a 6" sand bed would be like really high off the bottom ofthe tank. what kind of stuff needs a sand bed that high?


Active Member
Aneorbic (sp?) bacteria. The lack of oxygen in sand that deep allows the growth of bacteria that converts nitrate to gas.


Active Member
I agree on the bacteria I disagree on not having a deep sand bed. I know one of the mods only has a 2 inch bed but the stuff like fish poo and food will stay ontop of the sand and everything that eats on top of the sand will get that. Sand sifting stuff take only a few inches. Then there is the bacteria in a deep sand bed there is a colony of bacteria that turn nitrates into gas so your nitrates wont be as high. There wont be enough to stop water changes all together but there will be enough to help.
So wouldnt the helping be enough to have a deep sand bed.


Active Member

Originally posted by mwaraxa
Well i would say even if you wanted just fish only i think the basic rule of thumb is AT LEAST one pound of sand per gallon. Which should get you about 2 inches maybe alittle more? Some correct me if i'm wrong. But i think for a reef tank you would want atleast 3 inches maybe 4. So things can burrow into it.
-peace out

definatly, and it will pay off :yes:


Sorry snipe I didn't really get your post.
In a nutshell, it is desirable to have 6 inches of sand bed?
THe problem is that 6 inches of sand bed means that when people look at my tank, they will see 6 inches of sand bed from the side. That is really high off the bottom,. Don't you think it will look wierd?


Active Member
Most ppl say to use a 4 to 6 inch sand bed and I have seen some tanks with 8 inch sand bed. If I could of afforded it I would've had a 6 inch bed in my tank. I spent $80 on what I have and it is only around 3 1/2 inches.


hm under what circumstances do you need to have denitrification in your tank from sand bed?
I have 90 gallon for reef, do you think I will need it?


Active Member
Well you know about bacteria turning amonia to nitrite and nitrite to nitrate. Well in a DSB "deep sand bed" there is lack of oxygen in the bottom and there is a ='ly importan bacteria that only lives deep in the sand. It turns nitrates into gas and can be seen excaping as little bubbles if the nitrates are turned to gas that is less hassle if there is a big amonia spike for, some reason say a big fish dies. "IF" there is a big amonia spike and you have this bacteria "in a deep sand bed" the end result will be less nitrates than what you would normaly see without them.


Also i was told by the LFS that i only wanted LS if i was to do a reef but i dont like the way CC looks. So i dont need all of it to be LS right away it will eventually become LS? i plan on goin about 2in i guess?


Active Member
Do live sand no matter what your doing with the tank. It is better and harbors bacteria better and dont allow stuff to get stuck on in the holes and such that the CC make. You dont have to start with live sand the live rock will make it live sand eventually, but I would atleast get some live sand from a local reefer to seed my tank with you will get extra creatures that you wont get from rock. I would only do a 2" bed for a fish only I know one of the mods I forgot who uses a 2" bed for a reef but it wont have as mutch bacteria as a deep sand bed.


hm can you recommend again a cheap reef sand? I will use some LS to seed it.
I passed by home depot the other day and saw some play sand,. are those okay to use? I will put some nice LS on top of it.


Active Member
Well your local lfs may have base sand or I got mine from ***** I got 40lbs of base sand for $24 and then 20lbs of live sand for $28 and some other stuff.