Live Sand Question


Would my tank recycle if I remove the current CC and replace it with Arag-Alive Live Sand? Would it make a difference if I use a 20 lb bag of Arag-Alive live sand and mix it with 20lbs dry aragonite? :help:


this is how it looks..
* Has tremendous surface area, up to 1500 square feet of bacteria rich biofilm per pound.
* Contains a broad spectrum of natural bacteria as well as specially selected strains of marine bacteria.
* Creates a natural biological balance making the cycling of new aquariums faster and safer.
* Controls dangerous ammonia levels and reduces nitrite and nitrate.
* Provides unsurpassed buffering capacity, supporting the proper pH (8.2) of seawater.
* Delivers more calcium, carbonate buffer, and essential trace elements like strontium and magnesium than other brands.
* Fine grade is .50- 1.85 mm grain size.


I think it will .. Last time i added LS my tank was EXTREMLEY CLOUDY.. couldn't see a thing. I wouldnt do it if i were you unless you want to re-cycle again. Do you have any fish ?
Good Luck :D


man mine didnt cycle, but i was exteremly careful. and on the cloudyness issue, use a piece of pvc to drop it into the water and youll get less cloudyness. but actually taking everything into a rubbermaid, clean out the CC, put the sand in and then move everything back into the tank. no cloudyness, no cycle. i know 5 people that have done it this way and we didnt cycle, and love our new LS