Live Sand Question


One area in paticular of my 55 seems like it has a lot of waste. I had an anenome a while back and fed it brine shrimp. A lot of the shrimp never got eaten and floated to the sand bed. There is now brownish fuzzy stuff in that area that i suspect is old brine shrimp decaying.
Can and should i vacuum that area of my sand bed with my vacuum i use on my FW tank? Will it mess anything up?


if its decaying matter I yeah I would get it out. if its piling in one area that means you have a dead spot in your current.
what size tank and how many powerheads do you have in there?
I ould move one after you clean out the area to put some current in that spot and what help to keep this from happening.
also if its pilling up thats means you are probably overfeeding a bit.


Active Member
same problem here, i use an airline tube to siphon out the debris slowly so i wont suck up any sand, it will suck up some sand by accident but its way better then useing a vacum that will suck up the sand bed

bang guy

If leftover food is just sitting on the sand decaying then your sand isn't really LIVE. It may have bacteria, but it needs a healthy dose of infauna that will eat this stuff for you.
I suggest, various type of worms, mini-brittle stars, a couple Nassarius snails to start with.