Live sand questions


Originally Posted by w116cjb
It is only a 30 gallon tank with 30lbs of live sand. I am running a Whisper 50 gallon dual filter, no skimmer. No dry sand either. Do you recommend using dry sand with the live as long as its rinsed?
How much live rock do you have?


New Member
this tank has 40 pounds of live sand and about 25 pounds of live rock. There is other rock in the tank that is not live as well. I have a long tank, so it is spread out evenly


Active Member
i would suggest getting a small amount of Chaetomorpha Algae in the corner or somewhere....pods love to breed in it.
Also, if he is eating prepaired foods you may be able to keep him alive. Just make sure he looks plump. If he isn't buy some pods online and feed immediately.