Live Sand/Rock In Sump?


New Member
I have a dual sump(connected) and was wondering if it is a good idea to place live sand/rock in my sump? This is in considering that only 1/2" to 1" deadsand/reefsand will be used in the tank with 200-300lbs of live rocks. Thanks..


New Member
Before I started this quest for reef water aquarium, I was always told to do 3-4" of DSB. So, I started calling for carribean white sand at the fish store and asked for about 150-200lbs of sand. They freaked out and asked me why I wanted that much? I simply told them that it was suggested and I wanted to start my saltwater tank right the first time;hence 3-4" of sand. They, in turn, said it's a bad idea because they are having many problem with there reef tanks. They said that it only causes problem in the later stages because the bottom sand is just trapping bad things. I had called 5-9 different stores and they all said the same. One of them even told me that he has a 100gal reef and he only changes the water once a month because of the lack of sand. However, he said, " if you are creating a plenum, then 3-4" is what you want." So, that's the info that I was told...

nm reef

Active Member
Hmmmm.....I find the info from your LFS very interesting..........I'd suggest that you do just as extensive a search on-line in regard to deep sand beds(DSB) what you find on this board or any others may tend to contradict what you've been told. Personally I'll stick with my 3-4 inch sand bed in the display along with additional sand in my refugium :cool:


you want the 3-4 inches in your tank. the live sand along with your live rock provides the media for the bacteria that keep your tank clean. some people like to syphon junk out of the bottom of their tanks. this is because they do not have a clean up crew. get more sand and a clean up crew.


Everything I have ever heard (or read) leans towards at least 4" of sand. Remember, your LFS has a unique set of circumstances, such as the number of employees tending to a single tank, overfeeding the fish....the have no vested interest in the health of their tanks....they don't work off commission....they don't care. You need more sand!