live sand strait from the ocean?


Humor me please...this is probably a stupid queston, but i'm gonna ask it anyway. If I went to the beach and picked up some sand out of the ocean and put it in an aquarium would that be harmfull or would that work? Thanks guys in advance.


Active Member
The entire coastline where the waves break on the land is like a giant skimmer, so that is where all the contaminants are superconcentrated. However, if you have access to equipment that would allow you to gather sand farther out in the ocean, I don't see a problem.
However, there is always the possibility that you could introduce parasites or pathogens into your tank. Let me just say this... if I lived by the ocean when I started up my tank, I probably would have used sand from the beach.
ps- the sand you buy in the store is guaranteed to be high in calcium, magnesium, and other beneficial trace elements. The sand from the beach may or may not have these.


you have to get it from deep eneough water where its clean. Of the beach is a bad idea (pollutants). Also, I know florida has strict laws, so you better check it out first or you could be paying a healthy fee for your sand. Works great if you do it right. Good luck hauling it back to shore though.:D


Active Member
You also want to be sure you get calcareous and not silicious sand (which is found in most of the US). Natural silicious sand tends to have a lot of minerals (gives it the color) in it which would not be great in a tank.
It is illegal in many areas...esp Florida.


New Member
Research My There you will find what you can take out . Live sand is ok Live rock is a NO NO. 20 inverts per day ok.
Also you could call you local Fish and Wild Life and asked them just what you can take out.