live sand sucks


Active Member
Sorry everybody. Just wanted to see if I could get some astronomical number of hits. I have 1-2 inches of live sand and love it. <img src="graemlins//angel.gif" border="0" alt="[angel]" /> :D


I just started with it on a new setup. it's turning brown in some areas, is this normal? <img src="graemlins//confused.gif" border="0" alt="[confused]" />


The brown is normal. Probably just a diatom bloom. Most new setups go through it. Should clear up after a while.


Active Member
Oh man. Now I have to give advice ( just joking ). I had mine with no substrate for about a year, then put in live sand. It was turning brown for a few months, then one day bam haven't had any color but white since, and that was six months ago. It's normal for awhile I guess. I'll tell you what I have.
90 gal reef
200lbs of live rock ( really big pieces )
1.5 inch sand bed
2-96 watt pc 10000k 9hrs 2-65 watt actinic 10hrs
magnum 350 pro canister filter ( never hooked up bio wheels )
prizm skimmer
purple tang, tomato clown, flame angel
lots of crabs, shrimp,and snails
bubble coral,mushroom rocks,leathers,star polyps,buttun polyps, a few other corals that I got from people that I don't know what they are.
I change 5 gallons a week with normal tap water and reef crystals
Once every two months I throw on the polishing filter in the magnum and blow the tank around with a powerhead to polish the water. I use polyfilter and a little bit of carbon in the filter that I change every two months.
Sounds like a lot of maintenance but i LOVE DOING IT.
Ebeckels. I wouldn't dare knock live sand on this forum. I would be running for my life :D


I took the bullies out of my show tank to cycle this one and they are still alive.( the bullies being the undulated trigger and the common brown eel.)I have added a cleaner wrasse and my show tank and it's doing real good now.The big trigger (5 inch black finned ) loves the wrasse. The rest of the tank has goten used to him and has excepted him. (thank god) I would like to add a dogfaced puffer. Witch fish should I get rid of to make room? <img src="graemlins//angel.gif" border="0" alt="[angel]" /> :(
one more
<img src="graemlins//angel.gif" border="0" alt="[angel]" /> <img src="graemlins//evilwhorn.gif" border="0" alt="[Evil Horn]" /> <img src="graemlins//angel.gif" border="0" alt="[angel]" />