live sand?


is it ok to add live sand to an already established tank.
i want ti have a deeper sand bed so is it ok to add a bag of sand
to my setup?


I did, but i will tell you this rinse,rinse,rinse get all the dust you can out of the sand, i will say you will be fine,i do not think it will start to recycle but someone else will have to help me one that one. the more dust you get out the less cloudy your tank will be, and the less your live rock will have to absorb.


Leave the dust don't rinse it, if it is live sand then you don't want to rinse the bacteria off of it.
Just add about a 1/4-1/2 inch every week until you have the desired depth.
This will give the existing pods and worms living in your sandbed a chance to inhabit the new upper layers of your sandbed without being burried alive and possably dieing.

nm reef

Active Member
I agree ... don't rinse...especially not LS!
The finer particles allow for more bacteria to time the bacteria will weight down the finer particles and the cloud effect will fade away. One of the prime benefits of a sand bed is its ability to harbor bacterias and the finer particles allow more of this to occur.In the case of LS rinsing will damage the "live" aspect of the product!
I've added LS to established systems on several occassions...just try to add the sand as slow as possible and in small could even use a section of 3" or so PVC and allow the sand to flow thru the PVC to the bottom which can lessen the cloud effect. But even if there is a storm it will settle rather quickly especially in a mature and stable system....just be careful to limit the disturbance...go slow...and add small amounts at a time.:thinking:


New Member
i used arag alive just recently and it didnt cloud even the tiniest bit. its basicaly live sand thats been manufactured and is sold at pet stores with water in the bag. comes in a variety of grain sizes.



Originally posted by surf23
i used arag alive just recently and it didnt cloud even the tiniest bit. its basicaly live sand thats been manufactured and is sold at pet stores with water in the bag. comes in a variety of grain sizes.

It doesn't cloud because it has the bacteria culture.