Live Sand


I have read and read and read and every time i get more confused when i read about sand. All i want to know is what sand i will need for my 75 gal. mainly fish some inverts, can i do that?
By what kind i mean i dont know what arganite is, and what grain, and what the viniger test is.
Just please tell me exactly what i will need i can give more details as needed. Thanx in advance


Aragonite sand, as I understand it, is what the sand is actually made up of. Aragonite sand should fizz if vinegar is dripped onto a small pile of it.
You do not need all live sand. Most people get 80-90% aragonite sand and 10-20% live sand. The live sand will "seed" the aragonite sand and make it live over time. I have a lot of live rock and used no live sand in my bedding.
The amount of sand you need depends on the eventual depth you desire. A DSB need about 4" of sand.


If your planning on getting alot of live rock I would suggest not spending all that money on live sand because overtime eventually that sand will become alive. I would also recommend to add pack of biospira to your tank to add more beneficial bacteria


when i was at my LFS the "helpful" person told me not to get live sand at all it was too fine and i wouldnt be able to clean it only to get this bag of carib sea argonite sand b/c that was a large enough grain for me to vacuum. and then i asked if i was to add LR would my sand become "live" over time and he told me no. and i went to a pretty popular store in my area called the hidden reef. i dont know what to believe anymore. then i was told here by several people to to about a 2in SB, the clerk told me about a 1/2in is all i need???? please help i want to start off my tank right. when i started my lil 29gal fresh water tank i was told fill it up wait 2 days put fish in. they died and i felt so bad watchin them breath all hard and not knowin what to do to help them. i eventually read enough and foun out so this is why im doin alot of research fist this time. plus the fish are more money


You don't "need" any sand at all. If it is for display purposes add what you like. I've got about 2" in mine. If you want a DSB to reduce nitrates (which you don't have to do), you'll need 4" or so.
LR will turn sand live over time. This will take anywhere from 6 months to a year though. Technically, you don't need any LR or LS to keep marine fish. However, it is easier to keep a stable system with the added biological filtration. I have 90 pounds of LR in my 55 and used zero LS.
Hope this helps.
In the future, don't always trust employees of LFS. Some absolutely know what they are talking about, but others work on a commission. That being said, don't always trust what you will hear in here. Some of us are only trying to help, but might not be 100% certain. Take ANY advice given by a moderator. They have years of experience!