Live Sand


I have CC in my 37gal with about 35lbs of LR. I want to take out the CC and put in live sand. I asked on another thread and I as advised to just remove all the CC,which makes sense. My question is can I buy the Arag-live sand and mix it with reg sand? If so will my tank recycle? Or would I be better off just using the Live Sand for the whole thing.. I'm thinking on about a 2" sand bed. I do have a Mandarine will this effect him as well. I have had him for quite sometime The tank has benn up for about a year and a half.


Not sure about reg. sand with live it would make sense that it works. But as for it effecting the mandarin I would guess yes because they live off of the things that grow from lr and ls so if the ls is suddenly moved and replaced all of the build-up is gone and you start with a fresh new sandbed. I'm not sure if that's right but thats what I'd guess.


I've had him for about 5 or 6 months maybe a little longer. When I got him he was about 1 1/2" now he's about 3". Very friendly dude too. When I come close to the tank he come out and follows my finger.