Live sand


I have crushed coral in my tank right now and thinking about switching to live sand. People at diff LFS have told me to take eveything in my tank right now out and put live sand in. Others have told me to just put the sand in and cover the crushed coral.
Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated!!!


Active Member
hmm..... i guess you could do that, i think its better if u have crushed coral on the bottom of the tank under the sand.


Crushed coral will eventually work it's way to the top. After doing alot of reading on this site, I think it is best to remove the crushed coral.


Active Member
definately remove th4e CC if u are gonna add sand... think of a bag of chips.. the bigger chips sit on top and smaller crumb will fall to the bottom... same with the sand and CC.. only thing i can suggest is to take everything out of the tank if your gonna do a cc to sand.... then add eggcreat then sand.. then fill her with the tank water agin.. but dont splash the water on thte sand.. kinda direct the water to the side glass of the tank and pous slowly.. then do aquascaping and whatnot.. then add the inhabitants..


Sand and crushed coral will work against each other, you will still have to vaccum the CC and if you break into the sand bed, depending on how it is aged, then you can release some anerobic bacteria that you would not like to see happen.
Take the crushed coral out. If live sand you can pour it right in, slowly, if you want to do the egg crate thing (I did) Take everything out, then you put that in first, just cut it a couple inches away from the edges of the tank. then place your sand and rock in any order, seat the rock with a bit of a twist, add water. could be a bit of a spike and you may have new tank syndrome again. Like the diatom blooms and others, they will go away with time and new bacteria.


how long should i wait before adding in my stock?(after im done adding in LS and rocks)
Here is what i have in my tank:
marroon clown(about 3in)
cleaner shrimp
coral banded shrimp
(i did have a lionfish but i gave him away)


Active Member
I just finished doing this on my 55. I took everything out. Save the water to put your fish in, LR etc. I then placed my LR in first then the sand. That way they will NEVER topple or fall. Slowly add water back and then the fish. I had no problems, no spike, nothing.