Live Sand?


i have a 75 gallon tank that has some live rock and corals in it with crushed coral on the bottom. i want to change to livesand. i have heard that i can use playsand and seed it with live sand, is this true.or should i use all LS. Also am i going to have any problems with this like the tank recycling. Please help!


Active Member
you can use play sand but it has to be sspecific brands, i think Sounthdown is one of the best for fish tanks, you might have a mini cycle but probley not too bad


I just bought 5 bags from home depot. They were about $4.00 a bag. They are dist. by Old castle. Nice white sand, looks just like the beach.


I found it on Barrington Rd. and Schaumburg Rd. in Schaumburg. It's about $4.00 a bag. The bag has a blue label, and is dist. by Old Castle ( southdown).


Thanks for the info Rusting. Also does that sand need to be rinsed before use and if so can I rinse in tap water or does it have to be RO?

sinner's girl

I'm just buying sand from *****, I may buy a bag of ls, not sure yet. Ocean's Natural is the brand. Though it $8 a bag. I didn't find southdown at lowe's or homedepot and I'm too lazy to search other places. I figure it's best to use what was made for use in a tank.