Live sand


New Member
Sugggestions on switching my already well established crushed coral tank to live sand. I have a discussion furthur down, but to add more opinion.... I have high nitrates...I NEED TO SWITCH BUT DON"T KNOW HOW!!! I also don;t understand cycling (other than the first cycling of the tank)


hrmm i would like to here this answer also due to the fact my 55 gallon reef tank is all cc but i have no nitrates because of 2 reasons. I have lots of clams that eat nitrates and i make sure to never ever ever ever stur up the bottom of the tank even during water changes. I havent had a problem with the cc and it does look good but when i went to set up my 185 I used sand.

sinner's girl

here's what I did. I cleaned a section of the cc very well, very well, then removed 2-3 nets. I did this with each water change and did weekly water changes, it took awhile. You'll have to move lr around and such, which will stir up more crap. if you don't clean the cc before removing, all the crap in the cc will be in the water rather than in the bucket to you drain the water to.
As far a cycling, if you move a tank, distrube the baterica/filter stuff or if something dies or you add too many fish you may have a mini cycle.
Normally, if a fish dies, you're okay, if a bunch die...then you might have an anomia spike, same with adding fish, if you add more fish than your tank can handle, then the anomia may spike and cause another cycle.

sinner's girl

i make sure to never ever ever ever stur up the bottom of the tank even during water changes. I
You're going to have a crash. I"m sorry. YOu have to clean the cc to remove teh crap.
I didn't have a nitrate problem, never have, that's not why I'm removing the cc.
If you want to stick with the cc and get just get more lr, increase water change, increase clean up crew, decrease feedings ect.
first, what's causing the high nitrates? what size tank and how many fish?
IMUSt leave for work now, I'll check back later night.


New Member
I have three fish
50 gallon
two live rocks
one bubble tipanenome
one shrimp
5 hermit crabs
2 snails