Live Sand

Okay, as some of you may know, I'm upgrading tanks, in the new tank i have very fine live sand. My question to those who have used sand, what's your opinion? Good/Bad/Annoying? So far my tank seems to get very cloudy every time i move anything!
In my old tank i used a very fine crushed coral type of substrate.
was it annoying at first? i just added a bunch of live rock to my tank (i put a few pieces in when i first put the water in) and the tank is 100% cloudy, can't see a damn thing. Digging up the sand to place the rocks on the glass did it instantly.


Active Member
It does the cloudy thing when you first add it and will be that way until morning. Sometimes if you mess with something, or if you have livestock that plays in the sand then you'll get a small puff of sand that floats around for a while. Nothing too serious, may have to blow sand off rocks with a turkey baster once in a while.
Okay, thats good to know. I started it up 2 sundays ago and it hasn't gotten 100% clear yet.... but i have been adding things here and there, stirring it up etc...