Live sand


I am starting a 29gal reef & fish tank. I am going to be adding Fiji LR slowly (about 10# at a time). Do I also need live sand right away?


Active Member
if it is a new tank, I would add all the rock and sand at teh same time, before startingout. It will cycle the tank, it will aid in filtration, it will also provide food and shelter for your creatures and it will also provide cleaners to help keep it all clean


Auburn Tigers??!!?? You guys played a good game in Cali. I was pulling for y'all!
When the real tigers from LSU come to Auburn, be ready!!
Good Luck! :D


WAR EAGLE! Yep, the Auburn Tigers. And yes, LSU does have bragging rights for now (y'all embarassed us last year). But that will change soon enough!
I was pulling for you guys too against Va Tech. I always pull for other SEC teams (except Alabama!).
HURLEY-yes, this is my first tank.
So when I start my tank, put in sand and LR. But does the sand need to be live or will it become alive as time goes on?


Active Member
depending on what you use. you can use all dry sand and t will become live over time(usually the period of hte cycle), however, you can also add half dry sand, and half already live (from your lfs, or from here on and this will help to seed the dry stuff, adn will also help you cycle a little quicker!
good luck