Live Sand??


Does anyone use just live sand to start your tank??? Do I have to mix in dry sand or is all live ok to do??? Also how deep a base do you suggest?? Thanks all!!:)


New Member
Ighty, well i would recomend using one bag live sand and the rest dry; depending on your tank. For, soon the 'dead' sand may turn into live sand; thus meeting your ultimate goal... now if you use live rock than don't bother with live sand. The same thing will happen either way... if you have 'dead' sand and insert live rock everything will soon become live... But it is your choice but time for my recommendation. Buy at least one bag or half of the amount of your dead sand... it will help aid in the 'cycle'... Also the people at the stores say you should use an inch of sand but I don't think that is enough for any invertabraes who like to live under the sea; in the sand... I would recommend at LEAST an inch and a half to two and a half inches.


It depends on how deep your pockets are. I personally spent the extra money and got 80 lbs of live sand. You can also get "dead" sand and simply seed it with a bit of 'live' sand.