Live Sand


Yesterday, while in Orlando I stopped into the local Home Depot, witht the intent of checking to see if they had Play sand, and see if it had the term Southdown on the bag.
Unfortunatley, I could not find the word "Southdown". The bag did say it had been washed, cleaned, strained or sifted, safe for kids, yada, yada. Would this be OK to use for a sand bed in addition to LS? I thought I'd atleast start buying some of the things I was going to need once I do get my tank.
Any advice or suggestions on this sand?
Thanks in advance!
Steve P.


Get silica-free. sterilized sand with the smallest grain size you can find. In Florida you should be able to find Southdown sand somewhere, I believe that is where the company is from?? Not sure.
Do a search on the board for 'southdown' and you will get a wealth of information.


I just did the cc swap to sand yesterday. Southdown is from Easton PA.........silica free.........good stuff, I like it so far, most people I have asked on here love it, but you wanna hear something funny..........say right on the bag........NOT FOR AQUARIUM USE!!