Live Silversides

Yeah Thanks, That may end up being our last option, But we just puchased a Lionfish via online fish dealer & he's just not eating, Our last Lionfish ate dead Silversides BUT not this guy, Any other suggestions ?


Active Member
Even if you did locate a baitshop with live silversides, the fish would probably be too big for your small guy.


It took me a while but starving them and dropping shrimp in so it sank which made it look enough like it was swimming was my lion feeding success story


Active Member
You will probably find live bait fish at the shop, chad, shiners, etc, however I doubt you'll find live silversides. Same reason you'll never (almost) find live anchovies, they are just to hard to care for (sensitive to changes, and still beat themselves to death in the confines of a tank).


A lfs here has them. He uses them for new finnicky eaters. He won't sell though. I used damsels before my lion took to frozen.