liverock/anenomes with lots of fish in a 50 gallon


New Member
I was wondering if you could add about15+ pounds of live rock and one anenome in a 50 gallon tank with 8-12 descent size fish, with one actinic bulb, one trichromatic, and one 50/50. Ive been told you cant because the nitrate level will be too high. Is this true?


New Member
Thanks for the reply. O.K, I have an emperer 400G.P.H filter and I change 20% of the water 2 times a week.Is this enough filtration and maintanence to keep live rock and one anenome with 8-12 descent size fish? If not will a protien skimmer enable me to?


you will need a good skimmer..... and also depends on what kind of fish you have..... I have 3 skunk clowns, 3 perc's, blenny,skipper, 6-line wrasse, mandrine, flame angel, koran angel, naso-tang, coral beauty, hermits(blues,reds,bumble bee) pepermint shrimp, cleaner shrimp, 2 seabae and 3 long tentacle anenamee's, turbo snails. 70 rock all in a 55 gallon..... with a emperior filter, skilter 400 and a fluval 402........