I felt I had to post the last few e-mails between ne and the seller. If a buyer pays via PAYPAL the deal is done. The seller should NEVER keep trying to sell the product. I remember in some of the earlier posts the seller talks about wanting to get rid of all his stuff since he is moving, I hope he ships everything before he moves. I know by posting this message along with the e-mails I will be starting a war and I'm willing to take the heat for that. This is the reason I felt I should post the e-mails. I originally had first post regarding the product then everyone jumped in offering more, I don't even care, I just hope people are going to get what they pay for. If this seller wanted to "auction" his LR he should have went to the "bay". These are just my thoughts and even though I don't know the original buyer, Chuck, I hope this works out for him.