Liverock In Ny 4$/lb Premium Fiji Over 100 Lbs


Active Member
If you want to pay the shipping charges which i think will be very steep I dont mind. Just let me know.


Active Member
ok , id have to talk with my parents about it, itd be about a 1.5 hour drive for both of us, do you have anything else for sale, like soft and LPS coral?


Active Member
I have alot of coral for sale. If you look at my other post you will see everything I have. Im selling it all for 250 but I also list individual prices.


Active Member
Originally Posted by team2jndd
anybody else?

Where in NY are you from? I need 100lbs.


thats an hour and a half from me. two quick questions:
1. what is the size of the tank you are breaking down?
2. would you be willing to part with 75 to 80 lbs, or if not how much would you want for all of it?


Active Member
the tank im breaking down is a 58 corner by oceanic.
I could do 75-80 lbs. and its 4$/lb. I would rather sell all of it but I have no problem doing 75 lbs.


Originally Posted by team2jndd
the tank im breaking down is a 58 corner by oceanic.
I could do 75-80 lbs. and its 4$/lb. I would rather sell all of it but I have no problem doing 75 lbs.

I am very interested and will drive today, if you are breaking it down, do u also have LS-I need about 40 lbs????