LiveRock Setup Question


What's the best way to setup liverock in your tank? I know it's mainly person perference, but I also there is a preferred/better way. Currently, I have mine stack up along the back wall. You can't see any glass on my back wall. The problem with this is, I have fish that hide behind it and I never see them. SHould I go this route?


Active Member
I like the way thats setup but there is too many overhangs and they are flat for that matter. I like the look of the two seperate piles though.


Active Member
I stack mine closely, with a lot of small caves and overhangs. It is up against the back wall, and like a semi-circle, sort of like a lone reef head.



Originally posted by kgrimes
I like your way better. The pic you posted looks a little silly and "Flintstone-ish" to me. Quite unnatural. JMO
Do you have a pic of yours at present?

I thought it looked a little wired, too, but different. My digital camera is screwed right now, so I cant take pics. I will add some soon.


Look at some actual reef pictures, there is no ryme or reason to them some have caves or overhangs some valleys or splits between rocks some are mounds somr are sheer rock walls but the Idea IMO is to make it as natural as possible with what you have. And those fish that are hiding... they will hide no matter how you have the rock set up, they will come out in their own good time when they feel comfortable.


Saltfisher - Is that a window behind your tank?
Do other people put tanks in front of windows? I thought that was a bad idea for many reasons.


That is not my tank. I found a pic of that tank on this site. I just wanted to get an idea of a good way to setup Liverock. Here is my tank.


I always thought people were wacked not to put any background on their tank. Mine is only 7 inches from the wall but it is enough to stick my fat head back there and see a lot more if I did not have a background!


Active Member
Just thought I'd put my $.02 in since the tank pictured at the top is my tank. I had my freind stack the rock, but I told him basically what I wanted. This tank is setup as a FOWLR, and I wanted plenty of caves, and hiding places for my fish. Some of the fish that I have will get large, and needed good sized caves. It's all just a matter of what you want your tank to look like. It may not look natural, but thats not what I was going for with this tank, and my fish really do love it. They are constantly swimming in and out of the caves. I'm currently working on my next project that will be a reef, and the LR arrangement will be more natural looking.


How big is that thing, what are the dimensions... that thing is huge!!!:eek:
(small tanker)



Originally posted by Phil1964
I always thought people were wacked not to put any background on their tank. Mine is only 7 inches from the wall but it is enough to stick my fat head back there and see a lot more if I did not have a background!

I would not have a background on my tank if I didnt have all the tubes and things back there. There are too many tubes that would be visible if removed.


back to the window question. is it bad for a tank to be close by to a window.
Originally posted by bas12547
Saltfisher - Is that a window behind your tank?
Do other people put tanks in front of windows? I thought that was a bad idea for many reasons.


I would think it is ok if it does not get direct sunlight to prevent unwanted algea.
I have one about 20 feet from a window and gets a lot of light on one side from it. That is where the mushrooms hang out.