Livesand vs fake sand


New Member
I wasnt aware that I could purchase live sand when I started my tank. But I have LR and I have been asking questions and really reading alot of information and heres what I suppose I have: feather dusters on my live rocks, pods and snails (which appeared one day), hair algea (but not to much), and bubble algea (which I am going to get some emerald crabs tomorrow I hope). Is the sand that I purchased bad. I feel I really went into this hobby all wrong. No research or anything. I just thought tanks are beautiful and I'd love to have one, however I am having tons of fun :joy: I just jumped in head first not understanding how seriously complicated this new interest is.
But I do understand slow and steady wins the race.

tx reef

Active Member
All sand will become "live" after being in the tank for awhile. Live sand sold in bags has seawater in it and has beneficial bacteria already in it. You have nothing to be concerned about.
What sand did you buy?


Active Member
ones that are silica based... if you want to know..... i would add maybe a layer of live sanmd over the regular sand IMO it looks a lot better


New Member
Originally Posted by hot883
I'm just curious what "fake sand" is?

Please forgive me, Im new to this
Didnt know what else to call it. :joy:


New Member
Originally Posted by MichaelTX
what type of sand did you purchase?
there are different types some bad some good.
From the pet store. I will go check it out tomorrow.