LMB eating?


Hi I got a lawnmower blenny last week. He is in my 55gal with about 60 pounds of LR and LS. I have tried flakes and sea weed sheets but have never seen him eat. I do have a small amount of algae on my rocks but it doesn't seem like enough to sustain the fish. Should I be worried? What else can I try feeding him? Thanks...


Active Member

Originally posted by NYReefer
Hi I got a lawnmower blenny last week. He is in my 55gal with about 60 pounds of LR and LS. I have tried flakes and sea weed sheets but have never seen him eat. I do have a small amount of algae on my rocks but it doesn't seem like enough to sustain the fish. Should I be worried? What else can I try feeding him? Thanks...

I never got mine to take to the sheets either.. He'll be fine with that amount of rock.. How new is the tank? Do you have a fuge with plants growning?


No fuge yet, hopefully soon. The tanks is about 9 months old. Do LMBs usually eat flakes? I have also tried a frozen prep of clams, brine, seaweed, etc. with no luck.


Active Member

Originally posted by NYReefer
No fuge yet, hopefully soon. The tanks is about 9 months old. Do LMBs usually eat flakes? I have also tried a frozen prep of clams, brine, seaweed, etc. with no luck.

I have never seen him eat anything other than sucking on LR and the back of the tank glass. Hes obviously eating becuase hes the biggest pooper in the tank :) Hes also grown about an inch in the few months I have had him... And my tank is not "COVERED" in algae... I really wouldnt worry about him.


My LMB just started eating frozen, but he is still very picky. I have had him for about 6 weeks


When I first got my LMB, he cleaned out the hair algae in my tank, right quick. Then, he started in on my marcoalgaes, but didn't really eat any of them.
I tried to get him to eat seaweed sheets, mysis shrimp (tried one, spit it right back out), flake. Nothing was working, and he kept having a shrunken stomach.
Finally, one day he just started eating flake food (about week and a half after having him). I guess he finally got hungry enough, or saw the other fish eating it and decided he could eat it.
I got some pellets made of kelp and krill, and he took to those quick. I think the whole reason why he did that though, is that is what the LFS was feeding him.
My LMB still picks at my marcoalgaes pretty consistently, but he eats flake and pellets also.
I would just keep trying foods, maybe talk to the LFS where you got yours to see what they were feeding him.
Good luck, my LMB is a pretty personable fish, glad to have him in my tank.


Active Member
my girlfriends was the same way.. tried to feed it some zooplankton.. and he atacked it like mad.. absolutly loves the stuff