LMB likes to "get sucked"


This seemed very weird to me... but iv been watching my Lawn mower blennie for the past 30 minutes and he is swimming up to filter intake and getting sucked against the intake... at first i was very conserned but after watching him remove himself and go right back for it i can only assume he likes it.... He doesnt look sick at all and is a fast, strong swimmer.
Has anyone else seen a fish purposly get sucked against the filter intake??


Actually.. my lmb does the same thing. I thought it was a warning sign. Usually sick or weak fish get stuck against intakes.. but he seems to love it, gets sucked up and hangs out for a few minutes, and then drops back down to the rocks. What a strange kid.


Active Member
Keep a close eye on your fish after it swims away. I've lost two LMBs, a Red Lipped Blenny, and a Longhorned Cowfish (all clumsy swimmers) after each fish had been sucked to the intake strainer of a Maxijet.


Active Member

Originally posted by Darknes
Didn't you learn the first time??
Sorry Rob, just had to ask

I did, so I moved the power heads around the tank, and even made some custom foam guards, but I didn't do a great enough job protecting the intakes.
I've since eliminated MJs from my tanks and haven't lost a fish to a powerhead since.