LMB & Scooter Roomates?


Active Member
Originally Posted by renogaw
so if someone says don't put a tang in a 20 gallon tank, or a mandarin in anything less than a 75 with a healthy pod population and a refugium, or don't put multiple perculas in the same tank, or don't put a horseshoe crab in our tanks, or don't put seahorses with lionfish, etc etc etc, why won't people listen? they get all defensive and think they are getting bashed :(
I realize that some things are cold hard facts, but a vast majority of this hobby has a margin of error and I dont think everything has to be taken at face value. I've seen people get flamed for having a mandarin in a tank that was "too small", yet the person had the fat little mandarin for over a year and was healthy as ever with a large part of its diet being frozen foods.
I think a lot of people get frustrated and defensive because they get a finite answer and its not always black and white. If more people took the time to explain why they are giving the advice that they are giving, the end user would be more receptive, as well as more informed.
I would wager to say that in years to come we will look back on some of the common must haves of this hobby today and laugh. Kind of like the undergravel filters and airstones of years past. I guess im trying to say that "thinking outside the box" isnt such a bad idea.
Originally Posted by DeltaBlack22
I realize that some things are cold hard facts, but a vast majority of this hobby has a margin of error and I dont think everything has to be taken at face value. I've seen people get flamed for having a mandarin in a tank that was "too small", yet the person had the fat little mandarin for over a year and was healthy as ever with a large part of its diet being frozen foods....
i agree with all you have said in this thread...


Active Member
Scooters and LMB's do not eat the same food. Scooters are not a blenny at all, they are a dragonet like a mandarin. Unfortunately for them, it is a mislabelled fish in the hobby. The LMB and scooter should get along fine.


Active Member
Originally Posted by DeltaBlack22
Thanks jessica, you were the only one that actually answered the question - Which was: ARE THE TWO FISH COMPATABLE?
(not that the other bits of info werent fun to read, it just wasnt what was asked)
The whole reason this thread was started was because I heard a poster say that their LMB killed their Scooter... I was trying to validate/disprove that statement...

we have tried scooters twice in our 150 and the lmb was only mildly agressive towards them but within a day or 2 the scooters were gone , don't know for sure if it was the lmb or not,
but i personally wont risk it again.


Active Member
Originally Posted by DeltaBlack22
I realize that some things are cold hard facts, but a vast majority of this hobby has a margin of error and I dont think everything has to be taken at face value. I've seen people get flamed for having a mandarin in a tank that was "too small", yet the person had the fat little mandarin for over a year and was healthy as ever with a large part of its diet being frozen foods.

Hey I'm not above giving it a shot but I wish I had a dollar for everytime I read a thread saying "it worked for me so let me convince you to do the same." Most of these people are never heard of again because they are too proud to come on here and say they screwed up. This is very bad for the archives. You've got people trying to do research on here and they come across a thread where somebody says "this" worked for me but then fails to come back and say that he/she was wrong. Then you've got the people who are just looking for one person to give them the answer they want.


Active Member
Originally Posted by earlybird
Hey I'm not above giving it a shot but I wish I had a dollar for everytime I read a thread saying "it worked for me so let me convince you to do the same." Most of these people are never heard of again because they are too proud to come on here and say they screwed up. This is very bad for the archives. You've got people trying to do research on here and they come across a thread where somebody says "this" worked for me but then fails to come back and say that he/she was wrong. Then you've got the people who are just looking for one person to give them the answer they want.
i totally agree with you on this one bc i did this when i first started my saltwater tank, i would wait till one person said its ok then i would do it and it didnt always work ur right on that. but the reason i answered this tread was the question that was asked was "who has the 2 in a tank together, what size of tank and do they get along" so seeing as i do have the 2 in together i said i do and they get along.
i have been coming to this site for a while and continue to forever so im not going to be one that runs and dont let you all know if i have problems. i have had problems and im not one bit afraid to tell you guys bc i thought that is what this site is all about is to learn all u can regarding swf. so i really dont agree with the "this is very bad for archives" bc this is a learning site ppl need to know it works for some and maybe not others they have to know that some things are trial and error in their own systems as well, bc its highly unlikely that any new person isnt going to have some sort of trouble.
im sure when everyone on this board started they were not as full of knowledge as they are now(they had to ask to learn and trial and error as well) and i hope to one day be as knowledgble as some of u all.
but i dont think bashing ppl for what they try or do is te way to teach ppl.


Active Member
Originally Posted by jessica47421
but i dont think bashing ppl for what they try or do is te way to teach ppl.

i'm quite sure that if someone were truly "bashed" the thread would have been reported to the mods and the "basher" would have been spoken to. just because someone gives a little warning that things may go wrong with someone's setup doesn't mean that person was bashed, but that the person is a little defensive and already knows that what the "basher" said could be true.


Active Member
Originally Posted by promisetbg
Scooters and LMB's do not eat the same food. Scooters are not a blenny at all, they are a dragonet like a mandarin. Unfortunately for them, it is a mislabelled fish in the hobby. The LMB and scooter should get along fine.
I know Scooters arent blennys but I've heard that LMB's will attack fish with a "similar body type" which I think is true of all blennys (correct me if I'm wrong). That being said - someone told me their LMB attacked and killed their dragonet and I was trying to see if anyone had similar experiences.


Active Member
Originally Posted by earlybird
Hey I'm not above giving it a shot but I wish I had a dollar for everytime I read a thread saying "it worked for me so let me convince you to do the same." Most of these people are never heard of again because they are too proud to come on here and say they screwed up. This is very bad for the archives. You've got people trying to do research on here and they come across a thread where somebody says "this" worked for me but then fails to come back and say that he/she was wrong. Then you've got the people who are just looking for one person to give them the answer they want.
You hit the nail on the head here. If your giving advice it needs to be stated WHY it worked for you and give the flipside on how its not standard in the hobby. I'm not so sure that it would be "bad for the archives" unless they stated it as if it were indeed wildly accepted when it wasnt. If the new hobbiest did their research though, they should be able to recognize the poster that is on the other side of the fence. Thanks for posting!


Active Member
Originally Posted by jennythebugg
we have tried scooters twice in our 150 and the lmb was only mildly agressive towards them but within a day or 2 the scooters were gone , don't know for sure if it was the lmb or not,
but i personally wont risk it again.
That sucks they died so quickly - do you think that they died in a matter of days could be attributed to aggression or just being new to the tank? Or was the LMB the new addition?


Just to add my two cents. I have both a LMB and a Scooter in a 120, and both seem to be doing well. Haven't seen any aggression on the part of the LMB. He goes crazy on pellets, and is belly is huge. Every time I come near my tank he appears and begs like a dog to be fed.lol In my case they get along just fine.


Active Member
Originally Posted by DeltaBlack22
That sucks they died so quickly - do you think that they died in a matter of days could be attributed to aggression or just being new to the tank? Or was the LMB the new addition?
the lmb is a longtime inhabitant of the tank in fact he was in our 55 then got moved over to the 150 then we tried to add a scooter when the 150 was new -we attributed it to not having enough food source for it, but in the back of my mind i always thought something got it cause it was on top of some rocks and it was beat up-the next scooter we tried was not even a month ago and the lmb went after it twice that we saw that day before the lights went out and the next day- he was shrimp food .tobin checked all the levels and at that point we knew it was not a food issue because the 150 was well established by then so it had to be something else


Active Member
Originally Posted by seasalt101
the lmb is a longtime inhabitant of the tank in fact he was in our 55 then got moved over to the 150 then we tried to add a scooter when the 150 was new -we attributed it to not having enough food source for it, but in the back of my mind i always thought something got it cause it was on top of some rocks and it was beat up-the next scooter we tried was not even a month ago and the lmb went after it twice that we saw that day before the lights went out and the next day- he was shrimp food .tobin checked all the levels and at that point we knew it was not a food issue because the 150 was well established by then so it had to be something else
That sucks... Its always hard to figure out the cause of death when you have a good clean up crew but it sounds like your blenny didnt like the intruders. *mental note


I had to jump in with my two cents. You want to be careful about when you hear someone say, "I did that and it worked for me." I don't care what someone posts on here--someone will have something contrary to it. Shouldn't keep tangs in a small tank? I bet someone can post and say they've had one in a five gallon tank for two hundred years and it's totally "happy." What kind of lights do anemones need? None, according to some people who post on here and say they keep there's under regular lights and they've had it since the dawn of time, and--you guessed it!--it's perfectly HAPPY! There might not be much science in this hobby, but shouldn't there at least be common sense?


Also, these same people mysteriouly vanish, and has anyone noticed they can almost never post a picture of their tanks for one reason or another? That's why it's important to do a lot research before making a decision. You might as well just take the advice that comes as extra and grin and bear it. Most of the people are only trying to help because they learned these lessons the hard--and sometimes expensive--way, myself included.


Active Member
Not sure where that was directed, but I know some people are looking for one person to tell them its ok so they feel better about doing it. Honestly if you could afford to put a school of 55 yellow tangs in a 55 gallon tank, all you would have to do it say it was a scientific expiriment and you would get away with it. And if your feeling froggy and want to do that, give it a shot but share your experiences with everyone else so they can get some information from a hobbiest who has at least owned a tang before, rather than one that heard "you cant keep them in anything but a six foot tank".
Keep in mind, the purpose of this thread was not to start a fight or get one answer that I liked and run away with it. I started getting responses that werent answering the question and then I think we got into a fairly decent discussion that might hopefully make people think before they throw in a one liner answer that has no direct correlation to the question being asked. Aight I'm done beating a dead horse...
Thanks to everyone who chimed in about the fish and about the other stuff.