LMB Sustainability with a Refugium


Will having a CPR hang on refugium on a 55 gallon be harmful to a LMB's overall health? The reason I ask is that LMB often need a great supply of natural algae (if they will not supplement with spirulina or algae sheets) and a refugium's good macros outcompete bad algaes in the display?
Would someone pleas offer up their advice, especially anyone with a fuge who also keeps fish that are obligate algae eaters? Thank you.


Thanks Dogstar.
Good to know. I'll ask another question along the same lines. Most people max out inverts (crabs, snails, etc) while at the same time having a LMB. When one wants to own a LMB, is it a good idea to back off on your invert cleaners a bit so that it will have plenty of algae to graze on (on the rock)?


Active Member
Good question, I really dont know. I have a fuge with lots macro plants but lots of grazers like tangs, even a kole and dwarf angles and a LMB and they still constaintly picking the rocks. I havent really thought about if the fuge reduces that food source. As far as crabs, ect. I dont have alot compared to most I guess. Maybe its that the bigger lighting has something to do with it. I dont have so called algea problems like hair or cyano/spelling sorry. Just typical glass algea that the mower attacks what he can befor the magfloat gets it. Keep trying the algea sheets cause my blenny loves it.


Active Member
well since im not an expert like these people here what is a CPR hang on refugium and what does it do?