

OK, I took pics of my anemone when I got home....soon after it deflated...now it has started to reinflate but the base looks like it has dirt on it..I took a couple of pics in the dark hoping you could tell what it was....For all I know it could be nothing...like I said, it is beginning to puff up again now.



The base looks orange, what is it that looks like dirt to you? Sometines they can get gunky build up under and near the base. The picture is so dark and unclear.


Sorry but it is dark in the tank...best I can get...look at the first pic. That brown on the right of the base....I just didn't know what is was, and thought maybe you might...Yeh the base is reddish..is that good???


Yes, the base looks very good, nice deep color. The stuff your talking about is just the gunk that accumulates, nothing to be concerned about. Did you think it was it's insides, sometimes when they are dying they will start to dissolve and you'll see white spagetti like wormy like things comming out, sometimes out of the base, sometimes out the mouth. This just looks like, well the gunk/bits of debre that accumulate in the tank. Other than that I'd say it looks to be in better condition than I had thought seeing the base so nicely colored.


YAYYYY....LOL...it really has a chance??
....I knew it wasn't the insides though, regretably that I have seen before. This I had not..that is why I was worried....Thank you thank you so much


I would not celebrate yet, you have a long road ahead for this guy. It could still go either way. There is so much about anemones that we don't understand, we are all still learning. There are times for no apparent reason they're given the best of care and just go downhill. They can fool us, your sure it's on it's last leg ready to toss it and it recovers. Anemone keeping can be an emotional roller coaster, I myself have lost sleep over mine, I would sit by my tank w/flashlight I am embarassed to say. My husband thought I was nuts, and I admit I am .


Hmmm...that is funny...I have 2 flashlights right next to me...LOL...My husband says I'm obsessed...and you know what....I AM. I love my tanks and I love watching my fish.


I am pleased to meet another female reefer, we need to stick together. Watch it and if it does die it needs to be removed promptly or could kill everything in your tank. I thought I'd pass this on just in case, you need to know what to look for. I am not trying to alarm you but just to help you if you need to make a judgement. These are dying roses from Karensroses. Try to get some sleep too.


Thank you.. I have seen the melting and the stringy anemone...I have already lost a couple due to not enough research on light (actually I was given bad advice) Thank goodness it doesn't look like that, but I also know how quickly that too can change...


I lost my first due to a lighting issue as well, it's the worst feeling isn't it? But it's terrific when they are thriving and grow then eventually split. Good luck, keep me posted.