LN B-Fly Feeding


I recently purchased al long nose butterfly, and he was a slow eater to start. I have been using omega-3 enriched brine (soaked in garlic and zoe). I know its not nutritionally complete, but so far its the ONLY thing he will eat. He is pretty small (one of the reasons I got him in the first place) and I dont know if his mouth is big enough to eat much esle.
How do I get him switched over to something better for him?


Active Member
Soak other frozen meaty foods in Garlic Extreme, or fresh garlic. This always gets new fish to eat for me.


Active Member
Try to mix in some mysis shrimp with the brine and once it starts eating the mysis then you can stop the brine, mysis is IMO, much better than brine.


He actually switched over to mysis today, no problem. (still soaking in garlic and zoe....just for good measure)
Thanks for the input.