Lobster Pics?????????


Anybody have pics of Lobsters in their tanks?? I especially want to see purple and blue spiny. I want a lobster bad but want to see some pics of them in an aquarium.


Been thinking about getting the purple lobster.. but like you i wanna see them in sum1's tanks. lol sorry i dont have one to show


I know...they are so cool. I heard they are pretty docile as well so they sound like a good addition. Can someone post a pic of their lobster?


i wish i had i pic of mine when i had it but...its kinda hard to get them. little dudes are always in the back or come out at night but im sure someone has one out there:D


New Member
iv got a purple one being deliverd tomarrow i can't wait for him to get hear. i will post a pic tomarrow night when i get him. i think it will be prity late bye the time i get him aclimated and all but i will put one on hear for you


New Member
i just got my fish in and my lobster is soo cool he is about 3 inches long and selttling in to his new tank. i hope this helps you out


New Member
Hey you seem to have one of just about everything! I want to see some pictures of your tanks! I need some Ideas on what to do with mine!


Active Member
be careful they are sooo pretty but some have been very destructive in a reef. still i love them and always take the time to look at them at my lfs the are cool :)


I got my Purple Lobster yesterday. I acclimated him for 3 hours and got him into the tank. He looks great and did quite a bit of exploring.
One thing though...he seems to have bured himself under some live rock yesterday evening in the very back of the tank. I saw him go back there and back under some rock. Now I can't see him at all. This morning when I woke up. I went to see if I could see him but I think he is still under there.
He is in the back of the tank where, if he stays there, I will never have a prayer of seeing him during the day. I know lobsters hide during the day, but do they always hide in the same place? If thats the case, I want to get him outta there and fill that area in with tiny pieces of LR. I built many caves that he could use in my LR but he insisted on going to the back of my tank.
Should I just give him some more time to get used to the tank? Do you guys see your moving around a little during the day? Did your lobsters do this when you first got him?