Lobster Pics?????????


I see mine every once and a while, but that is what they do during the day, they seem to find the spots where you can never see them. sometimes when i throw some food in he will come out and try to snag some,



Originally posted by ripfish
I see mine every once and a while, but that is what they do during the day, they seem to find the spots where you can never see them. sometimes when i throw some food in he will come out and try to snag some,

Well...it's been two days and I haven't seen him yet. The creepy thing is I have no idea where he could be. Let me ask you a question. When you first put him in, did he take a while to start popping his head out? I assume that if he is like most other creatures, it takes him awhile yo get used to his surroundings.
Also, have you been able to train him? My LFS told me that you can put a piece of krill on a long feeding stick (I made my own), and eventually train him to follow it out.
That would be cool. Let me know when I can expect to see him again!!:mad:


Active Member
it's very rare that you ever see them.
I had to move mine to a nano, I made a nice cave on the side so I could see him.


Well I have been researching a lot about their behavior and what people do to view them. I tried one suggestion and it is working like a charm so far. Here is what was suggested to me...
Take a long feeding stick with a pointy end. Stick a piece of krill on the end of it an place it in an open area of your tank overnight (when lights are off). Feed your lobster exactly like this for the next several feedings (the more the better). Eventually, the lobster starts to associate the feeding stick with dinner and will come check it out when it goes in the water. Supposedly, after a while, you can simply lure him out with the stick alone.
I have left the baited feeding stick in the water overnight several times and he is starting to pop his head out when I put it in the water. Its cool.
This is going to be a neat trick to show my friends.


New Member
I had my purple lobster fo three weeks now.the first night I had him he ran under the rock and hid.the second day I see something that resembled my purple lobster drifting upside down along my sandbed.So thinking it was my lobster DEAD I flushed him.three days later I was moving my LR around and guess what comes out of the rock?yup it was him he shedded a complete shell.The purple lobster is a fascinating invert,but you will enjoy its beauty only when feeding the tank with pellets or other foods that fall inbetween the rocks.


Seriously guys...try my trick that I posted earlier. I have totally started to train this guy. He is getting used to taking Krill off of my feeding stick and he is coming farther and farther out each time.
Very entertaining.