Lobster Question...


please help...
I just got my purple lobster, acclimated for three hours... after I put him in the tank, he lost both large claws!!! Will he be okay?


well, atlantic lobster species are capable of autonomy (relex amputation) and will regenerate either the pinching or crushing claw. But im not 100% sure fora purple lobster, or one of that size. My educated guess would be a 99.9% yes.


Originally Posted by snapperboy
well, atlantic lobster species are capable of autonomy (relex amputation) and will regenerate either the pinching or crushing claw. But im not 100% sure fora purple lobster, or one of that size. My educated guess would be a 99.9% yes.

Thank you! I feel much better now. At least I got a glimpse of him and noticed he was at least right side up on the sand bed.


Active Member
I have a small purple reef lobster. Once I put him in the tank he dissapeared into the rockwork...I only see him occasionally when I move things around in the tank...He molts, but I don't know about the claws, as far as I know he's never lost any.


Active Member
my purple lobster hasnt lost anyclaws, but my sallylightfoot crab lost all except two of hert legs, and the two that are left are on the same side of her body. now she just kinda hobbles around the tank.