Local Fish Store in IL


If anyone is around the northwest suburbs of chicago let me know if you know of any good fish stores besides
Beyond the reef -205 West Golf Road Schaumburg
Coral reef- 7723 W. Lawrence Ave. Norridge
Tropical World- 774 S. Buffalo Grove Road Buffalo Grove


New Member
IN central illinois i know of one in Peoria called Super pets, Josh is the night time fish guy, Very knowlegdable ( spelling? lol) and another one in North Pekin called FIshin times, this guy is cheap, very cheap, but some times his selection is quite limited, perhaps because he is so cheap he doesn't even get a chance to take the fish out of the bag before people buy them. Hope this helps, anyone know of any good Coral LFS's around Peoria? would be willing to drive about an hour or so, but i've got a 4 week old and the wife hates taking him in the car atm. :p

michelle l

Bishop, you may want to try the Fishman in Springfield. That's really about the closest thing I know of to Peoria, aside from taking the long drive to Champaign, which would be Sailfin.
Fishin' Times is a good place, and yep he is cheap. Often you have to find out when he's getting a delivery and go see what he has because the stock will be purchased before he unbags it. I got a gorgeous, healthy flame angel from him a few months ago for $35, and two percula clowns for the average price of $15 each. Most of his stock is very reasonably priced. The live rock is not very good quality though, even though it is nicely priced. He can order just about anything you want, if what you want isn't there.
Wait, I just remembered someplace closer than Springfield. There is a place in Bloomington on Linden street but I can't remember the name...I can get it if you want. They have sort of questionable health on the fish sometimes, so you have to be cautious, but they have a good selection of corals. Not huge, but decent. About the best I've seen in the area.


New Member
if you go to the chicagoland marine aquarium society
they will give you a listing of good saltwater stores in your area.


Robchuck--Where exactly in DeKalb is Rod's Reef? I'm in DeKalb quite a bit and have a sister who lives there but I have never seen the reef store. Can't wait to check it out.
I visited a store in St. Charles last week called Splah of Life. It's on the Corner of Rte 64 and LaFox Road. When I first walked in my reaction was, "It's so small! Where is everything?!" However, the more my husband and I looked around, the more we loved it. The guy who was working there, didn't get his name, was really friendly and helpful. My husband and I are very new to the SW world and he spent a lot of time talking to us and showing us things. From what I have read so far, he didn't seem to be giving us any dishonest or bad advice.
They are several tanks but the biggest one is one that is a huge look-down that stretches the length of the store. Only problem is, I really wanted to touch the fish that were swimming close to the top. :) I resisted but there was a huge clown that kept coming up close to the surface and I wanted to pet the thing.
Again, it's not a huge store but definitely one worth checking out.


nixpack......rods reef does not have a normal "store front". Rod buehler(sp?) is the owner and he runs it out of a building behind of a house. He is verrrrry knowledgeable and wont sell you rediculous crap that you dont need. He also breeds very rare true onyx clowns that can be traced back to the original bloodlines. The best thing to do to check him out is to go to www.rods-reef.com and click on general information to see his hours. WHen you find a day you can make it out during his hours...make sure you call before you go because somtimes he has to go to ups or airport to make shipments or pick some up. You will see this place and be like wat in the heck is this, but he is known for his quality on corals and his clownfish and food are amazing. He is definately worth a trip to see. Right now he doenst have a lot of fish selection because he is focusing on his food and clown business right now but like it said still a great place to check out. he is about 2-4 miles south of dekalb on rt 23. hope that helps. chris


For everybody in the Bloomington area there is a new shop that I found recently called Johnys reefing Experience located in the K-9 Country Club just north of town, he will be hosting the Frag Swap for the BNRC (bloomington norma l reef club) Nov 3rd,sounds like it will be a good turnout http://www.bnarc.com/