location green star polyps


i just got this today for 10.00 is this a good location green star polyps?
will this grow on my live rocks ? do i feed it anything ? it's under 300watts MH


Active Member
i have never had good luck with gsp but latly i have seen a patch starting to grow and spread, i think all you need to feed it is iodine, and yes it will grow on your rocks they soread really quick , thats a great deal, i have paid like 30 for a rock of them, its kinda expensive arond here


Active Member
nice deal ...
yes, they will slowly spread down onto the LR, thatis plenty oflight for them as well ...


Active Member
That lighting might be a little intense for GSPs, I am not sure because I have PCs myself. However they do like high flow. If you can place it near the flow of a powerhead that would be good. Plus they look cooler in the flow also.
You should not have to feed them anything because they are also filter feeders and there usually is enough in the water for them to feed off of.


New Member
I feed my corals as well as my anenome Phytoplankton by Kent Marine...
Good Luck,


gsp was one of my first corals and it is doing fine under my PC lights, so you should be fine. They do not require any special diet and will grow rather quickly. I have had mine for about a month and it has almost doubled. The mat (purple stuff) will just grow down the LR, spreading the gsp. Some people even grow them on the back glass of their tank, covering the whole back wall. Should be fine in your tank and good luck.


I looks fine where it is but I would save that spot for a more prized coral that you mostly will get in the future. I would leave it there until you get new corals.