Loctite Super Glue Gel Control


whats the best way to use it, i tried putting it on the coral and placing it down, and it was cured like, as soon as it touched water. Then I tried placing the coral and squeezing it on the spot, then it got stringy... I know theres a better way lol


Active Member
the most reliable way is to remove the coral and the rock from the tank and dry both surfaces with a peper towell. to use it under water you need to put some on the rock you want to glue to then some on the coral and push the two spots together to break the surface cure and the two dabs of glue will adhere to eachother, I hate glueing underwater.


Active Member
I use loctite super glue gel for everything in my tank. I used it to attach my gorgonian frags to rocks, mushrooms, zoos, you name it.