Lonely clownfish?

I had 2 occelaris clowns in a 10 gallon FOWLR tank. They were not a mated pair and only lived together for 3 weeks. The female was 2 inches and the male is 1 inch. The male would follow the female everywhere. So adorable. A week ago the female got sick and died (don't know what from). I have been watching the male for any kind of illness and he shows no symptoms. He does seem quite lonely though. He isn't as active as he was when the female was alive. I was wondering if he will be ok by himself or if he needs a friend. I'm thinking of getting a yellow clown goby or maybe a firefish. What fish friend do you think I should get?


Well-Known Member
Any of your smaller nano fish will wrk. You could try a new female but a 10 gal is small of things go bad. In most cases fish do like the company of other fish in my experience
I wanted to get a black clown but my lfs has them for $45 and I don't have that kind o money to spend on a fish. Plus I don't want to have to deal with them decoding who is male and who is female. I also looked at firefish but read that they are jumpers. I'll go to the store this afternoon and see what they have in stock. If they have a yellow clown goby I'll get it.


Well-Known Member
Originally Posted by nikkifro8994 http:///t/395954/lonely-clownfish#post_3526707
I had 2 occelaris clowns in a 10 gallon FOWLR tank. They were not a mated pair and only lived together for 3 weeks. The female was 2 inches and the male is 1 inch. The male would follow the female everywhere. So adorable. A week ago the female got sick and died (don't know what from). I have been watching the male for any kind of illness and he shows no symptoms. He does seem quite lonely though. He isn't as active as he was when the female was alive. I was wondering if he will be ok by himself or if he needs a friend. I'm thinking of getting a yellow clown goby or maybe a firefish. What fish friend do you think I should get?
Clown fish should be in a 20g tank, try a skunk cleaner shrimp. They are really entertaining and good for your tank. I don't think fish get lonely, life is all about mating to keep the species going, and food. A 10g is a very, very tiny SW tank. I wouldn't put another fish in there.
I agree that a 10 gallon tank is too small, but it is possible to keep fish. Did you end up getting anything? If so, what did you get?


Well-Known Member
My fire fish never jumps I never even see it go near the top of the tank but they are known for it.