Active Member
About 3 weeks ago I bought 3 filamented flasher wrasses (, due to some stray current running through the tank (has now been taken care of!), 2 of the wrasses died. The wrasse that is left appears to be lonely. He eats and is breathing normally, but he spends an odd amount of time laying on the sand and when he does swim around he flashes at my clowns (which pay him absolutely no attention). Since flashing is a mating behavior, I'm guessing he might be lonely. Is there any way I can add 2 females? If I wanted to do so, would I have to take him out, let them get situated, and then add him back in or could I add them straight to the tank w/him?
Let me know what you think about his behavior and whether or not I could add some girls to make him happy.
Let me know what you think about his behavior and whether or not I could add some girls to make him happy.