long hair green algae


Originally Posted by saltwatercowby
My tank is about 2 months and starting to see long hair green algae. what is it and solution please?
Not so simple...first...could be too much nutrients, too much light, not enough cuc, what are your water parameters...got any pics?


too much nutrients in the tank.
increase the flow in your tank, do more and bigger water changes, feed less, cut your lighting time down somewhat, and get some snails to eat it up.


Active Member
do you have anything in the tank?? i had this problem about 2 weeks ago and scrubed off what i could with a toothbrush and left the lights off for about a week and it is almost all gone...


Originally Posted by taznut
do you have anything in the tank?? i had this problem about 2 weeks ago and scrubed off what i could with a toothbrush and left the lights off for about a week and it is almost all gone...
But if you don't address the problem...won't it just come right back???


I am having a problem with hair algae as well. Its only growing on one specific rock, I ahve taken it out scrubbed it clean twice, cut my lights back and it still keeps coming back. Tank is only a month old, cycle finished Sunday and I added part 1 of a cleaning crew monday (6 ninja asteria snails, 5 margarita snails, 3 scarlet hermits and 10 red & yellow tip hermits) addid some pepermint shrimp tonight. I am only running a 10,000K light, I have been leaving the 300wt MH's off... I run the 10K for 8 hrs a day... I am not feeding as I have no live stock to feed, flow could be better, I am runnign about 500gph in a 90 gal. My SG is a little high but I dont see how that could lead to algea growth,
My asterias wont go near it neither will the hermits... Is there anything that will eat it? A lawnmower blennie perhaps? Any inverts? Would a phosban reactor help?
As far as tank, 90 gal, 130lbs of LR, 93lbs of LS,
Ammonia 0
Nitrites 0
Nitrates .25
Sg 1.026
Phos 0
Ph 8.2
I have been topping off daily and do 10gal on sundays...


Active Member
Originally Posted by DJCanis
I am having a problem with hair algae as well. Its only growing on one specific rock, I ahve taken it out scrubbed it clean twice, cut my lights back and it still keeps coming back. Tank is only a month old, cycle finished Sunday and I added part 1 of a cleaning crew monday (6 ninja asteria snails, 5 margarita snails, 3 scarlet hermits and 10 red & yellow tip hermits) addid some pepermint shrimp tonight. I am only running a 10,000K light, I have been leaving the 300wt MH's off... I run the 10K for 8 hrs a day... I am not feeding as I have no live stock to feed, flow could be better, I am runnign about 500gph in a 90 gal. My SG is a little high but I dont see how that could lead to algea growth,
My asterias wont go near it neither will the hermits... Is there anything that will eat it? A lawnmower blennie perhaps? Any inverts? Would a phosban reactor help?
As far as tank, 90 gal, 130lbs of LR, 93lbs of LS,
Ammonia 0
Nitrites 0
Nitrates .25
Sg 1.026
Phos 0
Ph 8.2
I have been topping off daily and do 10gal on sundays...
i am adding several snails, a lawnmower and a lettace nudibrach to mine... i hope this keeps mine in check...


Active Member
sorry for posting soooo much but i just put my emeralds in the tank and they went to town as soon as they hit the rock on the hair algae...