long nose hawkfish


Looking into a long nose hawkfish but already have some small goby's (about 1 to 1 and 1/2 inches long). Does anyone know if the hawkfish will have them for lunch? Will the hawkfish bother anything else (inverts?)


i've had one for a couple weeks now. The only other 2 fish i have is a fire fish and a 6-lined wrasse. my long nose hawkfish hasn't bothered anything and is really cool to watch. when i feed them it almost takes the food out of my hand. i'd say they're a really cool addition....but ya know every fish has a different personality. i hope it goes well.


the long nosed hawkfish is prolly the most docile of all marine fish, if you have live rock it will find a perch and just sit there till somthing tasty floats by.....but you should have no problem with the hawkfish, when i had my 29 gallon mini-reef it was my favorite fish........


So they are safe or not? And what about shrimp, I have held off becasue I have heard they eat shrimp.


i never had a problem with my long nosed trying to eat even small shrimp.....but like rmd said all fish have different personalities.......


Hmmmm now I'm not sure what to do!
The fish is really fun to watch, but I guess it wouldn't be great if it hunted and ate the gobies!
We also have a peppermint shrimp!
If anyone else has experience with the hawkfish, I'd love to hear about it
Thanks <img src="graemlins//yeahright.gif" border="0" alt="[yeahright]" />


just wanted to say again..i've had no problems. i have a fire goby which was in there before the hawkfish. i also have 2 peppermint shrimp and a coral banded....again, have had no problems. there's no guarantee but it's worth a shot. they're really cool. i was very hesitant to get mine because he was a $45 fish!!!!!!!!! i didn't really trust myself with that expensive of a fish yet...but i'm so glad i added him..he's great!


OK...we made the executive decision and got the long nose. (paid $40.00 so far our most expensive fish)
He spotted the peppermint shrimp and lunged at it(thankfully missing!) And our little gobies are kinda hiding in our barnacles. We'll do a wait and see today. I guess I could always try to catch the gobies and give them a new home. The kids decided they like the hawkfish more than the gobies! (they named him pinoccio!)
He/she really is an awesome fish to look at, even comes up to you looking for food. I'll keep everyone posted and thanks so much for your input!