long spined urchin


Active Member
do any of you have them, they are one of my favorite urchins and i just got ahold of one that the ball is about the size of a small grape, it is so awsome
pics would be awsome, ill try and get a pic later tonight
any of your personal experience would be awsome


Active Member
well i have not fed it yet i just got it like yesterday but he did trap a piece of shrimp and ate it


Active Member
My personal experience has been bad...I've had one for a year and he has recently developed a taste for soft corals.
I'm gonna move him over to my FO tank I think.


Active Member
o he is in a 125 fowlr so i would have to worry about him likeing coral but i do have a pink urchin( not sure of the kind) in with my coral and so far he hasnt done anything


I've had one for about 6 months, has gotten a LOT more spines, so far he has been great, but I don't have corals in with him. He does eat my coraline algae off my live rock though. He really likes the brown sea weed on the clip. He will stay there until it is all gone. I haven't noticed him or her eating shrimp or any other food.
Here's a picture of Arnold Swartzenpoker


i've had one for about a year. it's the oldest inhabitant of my tank and usually just roams around. not too exciting until a person who has never seen the aquarium spots it. oh, and it was quite exciting the time that i thrust my arm into the aquarium to catch my anemone and caught a forearm full of urchin spines.

is the above true, though - that they can eat coraline algae? i've been dying to get some good purple growth for a while now and have kept my water perfect. could the urchin be working against me? how do you know it's eating your coraline?


Because he is on it all of the time, plus it is kind of whitish where he has eaten. I only have one big piece of LR right now, but my other lace rock is now growing the coraline , actually it really started to grow when I got better lights. And now I see him on all of the rocks, not just the LR with the coraline. I have about 3 big LR on hold at LFS while they cure it. I'll put one in the 55 where the urchin is and the other will go in the 150g.


Active Member
ya i really dont mind him eating the coraline, its kind of cool you can see where he has been in the tank cuz he leaves a white trail behind
maybe he wasnt eating it but he had it pinned down,
i hear they are really piosinious (way off on sp) what happened, i once had a purple urchn that i have hit a few times and still have spines left in me that i cant pry out